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Friday, January 1, 2010


I can't believe today starts a new decade...I'm into my 6th one and though that doesn't sound bad, it really hits you when you do the multiplication!!  It's been several weeks since I've posted and I have been instructed to do better!!  Of course, we're all through with the Christmas season...decorating, cooking, company, wrapping, taping, eating, shopping, visiting, taking down decorations, cleaning up the wrapping and taping, tired of the cooking, regretting the eating, paying for the shopping and left with wonderful memories of the company and visiting!  We were blessed with a healthy, safe Christmas, so we enjoyed the busy times!  I hope each one of you were blessed, also!
During the days leading up to Christmas, I was in a frenzy painting ornaments!  Each one was different, but most depicted a woodland critter...lots of raccoons, skunks, squirrels, deer, a fox and a 'possum or two.  Of course I auctioned them on Ebay and I've met some wonderful, new customers/friends, through their sales!  I've posted pictures of a couple of my favorites...
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All of our animal crew here at AWESOME ASS ACRES, are fat and sassy!  The mules and horses have their winter coats on and all are healthy and wooly!  ChaCha, the baby of the bunch, had her 3rd hoof trimming this last week and of course, again was the perfect little lady!  My farrier is amazed at her patience and sweet nature...let's all hope for that to continue into the spring, when she's introduced to other things, like the saddle, bridle, lounging...I'm really looking forward to working with her!
The cat population remains at 8...all healthy and doing their own thing...some are mousers, some are by-standers and some are trouble makers...but all are loved!!  The dogs keep us on our toes, alerting us to anything that might be going on, that we need to know about!  We have occasional night hunters during deer season and that's NOT something you want at any time, but especially when you have livestock, so even though it's hard to drag out of a warm bed, when it might be raining or in the single digits outside, it's worth it to check out why the dogs are barking!!  Our chickens and peafowl are all great...I'm sure they're looking forward to spring, when the weather warms, birds sing and everything's in bloom!  Our guinea flock is still on patrol around the property, so between them and the dogs, we're set for security!!  Well, I think I've caught up with any news, gossip and chit-chat, so I'll close for now!  I've got to go put on our collard greens, black eyed peas and cornbread for dinner!  I hope everyone is blessed with not just a wonderful year in 2010, but many more ahead!

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